Monday, September 08, 2008

A worthy companion ...

Maggi mee is a favourite item for many Malaysians travelling abroad. The more difficult the place is to get food, as one perceived, the more packets or cups of the instant noodle gets into the suitcase.
While Maggi (or probably some other brand name) is a worthy travel companion, the ‘grub’ makes convenient stock for some working abroad.
My old friend Halim, who is into his second Ramadan in oil-rich Turkmenistan, occasionally turns to Maggi even for breaking fast.
"No buka puasa outing here. If they have Pizza Hut or McD here, that would be nice. That would be enough," the ‘oil patch hand’ wrote on his blog.
For someone who has forgotten what galley food tastes like, it is no surprise that he misses Malaysian food especially during the fasting month.
"No pasar Ramadan here. If they have it too, it would not have the food that we need. Need, not want, but need.
The solat terawih are as fast as it was last year but the pak imam took a page out of some of the masjids back home - in the middle of the solat terawih, they would hold a tazkirah," he said.
My thoughts are with you, my friend!

*Located in Central Asia, Turkmenistan borders Afghanistan to the southeast, Iran to the southwest, Uzbekistan to the northeast, Kazakhstan to the northwest and the Caspian Sea to the west. Its capital is Ashgabat.