The JICA Malaysia office was opened in 1975 and undertook the first training programme for the Look East Policy in 1982.
But despite its long involvement in the country, JICA’s Chief Representative in Malaysia Tsutomu Nagae says Malaysians still do not know the agency well.
"We’d like to know what Malaysians feel about our activities," he said during his visit to Wisma Bernama.
Nagae, who was a JICA volunteer himself in Kota Kinabalu 30 years ago, says the agency has provided 920 billion Yen (or RM30 billion) to implement 74 projects in Malaysia.
Being eco-friendly, JICA is prepared to join hands with local companies and government agencies to promote green technology in the country.
Nagae says JICA could provide appropriate financial and technical assistance in green technology which has the potential to become an important sector in Malaysia's economic development.
As part of its social reasponsibility, the agency is promoting social participation for persons with disabilities. It had organized a drawing exhibition by people with disabilities with the support from a leading shopping center-chain.
JICA collected more than 500 drawings from several handicapped homes and displayed the drawings to let the shopping centre customers pick their favourite.
Ten winning drawings were then selected and printed on reusable shopping bags which are now on sale at the shopping centre chain.
The funds generated from the sale will be contributed to the selected homes and centres for persons with physical disabilities that participated in the drawing exhibition.
JICA says the collaboration is a marriage between doing good for the handicapped people and doing good for the environmental protection.
The bag is made from a durable, light-weight and water-resistant material. It is suitable to replace the disposable platics bags. Using one of the bag, replaces the usage of 200 to 500 disposable plastic bags.