Tuesday, August 05, 2008

More than a doctor ...

Dealing with distraught souls, oncologist Dr Fabian Lee packs lots of patience.
He sees cancer-stricken patients daily, giving them hope whenever they are down.
It’s no simple task though as anyone diagnosed with life-threatening illness easily feels fearful and helpless.
They sink into depression and misery and this takes a toll on them mentally and physically.
"Be strong, you can conquer it…we are here to help you," Dr Lee would tell his patients.
For many, he is more than a doctor but a friend.
When a dispirited patient wants to abandon chemotherapy, he would listen to her grievances before reasoning out why she should carry on with the treatment.
"I know women are afraid of losing their hair but it will grow again after the treatment," he told us when met at his ward today.
Having such illness is an experience that changes anyone.
We become grateful for things which we previously took for granted such as good health.
Tough times also bring us closer to family and friends.

"Falling down is not defeat...Defeat is when you refuse to get up!"

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