Sunday, March 27, 2011

Getting on to my 5 series….

With so many things going on around me, I gracefully entered my ‘5 series’ with optimism of the challenges ahead.
The roads may be bumpy or smooth but I wouldn’t know how far the journey will be.
All I know is I am getting nearer to my destination as the years go by.
As I turn 50 today, my thoughts go to the five stars in my signature.
I have often been asked about their significance.

That’s not difficult to explain – one star each for my three children, my wife and I.
So wherever I go especially on overseas trips, they will always be with me.


Unknown said...

Happy belated Birthday

Anonymous said...

Assalamulaikum Bro!

Selamat menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran dan semoga sdr ceria selalu. Mudah-mudahan sdr mendapat keberkatan daripada usia yang telah dan bakal dilalui.

+Setiap detik yang berlalu akan mendekatkan yang berhak kepada haknya.


Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday pa

Anonymous said...

How about getting 6 series..will u add another star