Saturday, May 30, 2009

Strength within ...

Someone I met a few days ago took the trouble to visit this blog after I told her about it. She had came to see me in the office on Tuesday to explain about the unit trust which she specializes in.
"You don't have to take it, just give me time to explain," she said on the phone prior to the meeting.
I told her it was not only the lack of money that has kept me away from such savings but the anxiety of committing myself into a long-term undertaking at this ripe age.
To this, she spoke of three regrets that most people have when they reach their twilight years: They regret:
* they didn't pursue their dream,
* they didn't show enough love to the people they love and care,
* they didn't let go by not being forgiving enough.

Those words stuck deep in my mind as I slowly picked up the courage to confront my persistent fear of failing health as I get older.
And yes, I've been asked to remind myself from time to time of the inner strength that I have.

"Rule No 1: U are consciously a strong person.
Rule No 2: Don't forget Rule No 1."

1 comment:

Honeydew said...

Remember, don't forget Rule No.1